
How to Read a Cowl Tag of a 1967 Camaro

VIN, Cowl Tag, and other Numbers Decoding

©1998-2022, Camaro Research Group
Edited by Kurt Sonen and Rich Fields
Version: Midweek, 23-Feb-2022 23:29:32 EST

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Cowl Tag Decoder

A program that decodes the VIN and cowl tag information for 67-69 Camaros.
Click (or Shift-Click) to download the first-generation Camaro Cowl Tag Decoder in zip format, version 3.68.      

Drivetrain Decoding

Engine, transmission, and beam decoding information is in the Drivetrain Decoding section.
VIN Information
  1. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Decode
  2. Partial VIN Definition and Location
  3. 123x7 VIN vs. 124x7 Cowl Tag Code
  4. VIN compared to Production Date
Cowl Tag Information
  1. Cowl Tag Decode
  2. Exterior Color Codes
  3. Interior Trim Codes
  4. 1967 Cowl Tag - Fisher Trunk Codes
  5. 1969 Cowl Tag - X Codes
Other Decoding Information
  1. Protect-o-Plate Decode
  2. GM Date Lawmaking Formats
  3. Sheetmetal Date Codes
  4. Julian Calendar Generator
  5. Numbers Trivia

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Decode

The Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, is stamped on a plate that is riveted to the vehicle. The thirteen-digit VIN used during the starting time-generation Camaro period has the following format:
1967-1969 Camaro VIN Interpretation
                  12ebbYPxxxxxx    e.k. 124379N506070  where       1 = Chevrolet       2 = Camaro       eastward = three  for 6-cylinder engine, or           4  for 8-cylinder engine      bb = 37 for coupe body, or           67 for convertible body       Y = 7  for 1967 model,           8  for 1968 model, or           9  for 1969 model       P = N  for Norwood, OH assembly plant, or           L  for Los Angeles, CA associates found   xxxxxx = vehicle serial number sequence   At each plant, the vehicle serial number  started the year at the post-obit number:      100001 for 1967 models     300001 for 1968 models     500001 for 1969 models                

Every bit an example, if the showtime car off the Norwood line in 1968 was an 8-cylinder coupe, then the VIN for this car is 124378N300001. The next car would have been 12xx78N300002 (the xx would be dependent on whether information technology was a L6 or V8 and a coupe or convertible). The first Camaro off the Los Angeles line in 1968 would be 12xx78L300001.

In 1967, the VIN plate is located on the driver-side A-pillar (front pillar) and is visible when the driver-side door is open.

Starting in 1968, and continuing to the nowadays fourth dimension, the VIN plate was relocated to the upper dash console, on the forward portion of the drivers side, and is viewable through the windshield glass when standing at the front edge of the commuter's door. The location is shown in this photo.

Starting in Baronial 1969, the complete VIN was also stamped on a conformance sticker that was placed on the commuter's door, just in a higher place the door striker.

The VIN does not provide any data other than what is listed in the box to a higher place. The VIN does not tell if the car is a Z28, SS, RS, etc.


Partial VIN Definition and Location

In addition to the official VIN plate, a partial VIN should be stamped on the body canvas metal in two places:
  1. On the cowl in front of the passenger side (underneath the cowl vent panel). Y'all can see information technology sometimes if you lot carefully look with a flashlight through the slots in the vent panel, but the console comes off with a few screws and the wiper arms popular off pretty easily, so this i is non a big deal to go to. The photo below (with the cowl vent panel removed) shows the typical location for this stamp.
  2. On the firewall below the fan motor opening (non-Air-conditioning cars) or beneath the heater opening (Air conditioning cars). This requires the heater or air workout box removal, and therefore most car buyers volition not accept an opportunity to view this stamp. The photo below of the passenger side of the firewall shows the typical location on a motorcar without air conditioning.

The format of the partial VIN is:

1967-1969 Camaro Fractional VIN Interpretation
                  YPxxxxxx (1967)     due east.g. 7L102030            1YPxxxxxx (1968-69)  e.chiliad. 18N304050   where        1 = Chevrolet        Y = 7  for 1967 model,            8  for 1968 model, or            9  for 1969 model        P = N  for Norwood assembly plant            L  for Los Angeles assembly plant    xxxxxx = serial number sequence                

Partial VINs were also stamped on most engines and transmissions from 1967 on. Not all engines and transmissions in 1967 were stamped with fractional VINs. Details and examples are shown in the Drivetrain Decoding section. However, be aware that the partial VINs tin be "restamped" on engines and transmissions by machining off the original stamp (or finding one that is unstamped) and and so stamping the desired VIN.


12337 VIN vs 12437 Cowl Tag Lawmaking

Though information technology looks very similar to the first five digits of the VIN, the trunk style code on the Fisher Body cowl tag did not have the aforementioned meaning. Fisher Torso didn't demand the type of engine coded on the cowl tag, and so stamped the tertiary digit of the Fisher style code with a different significant than the tertiary digit of the VIN.

The 3rd digit of the VIN identifies which engine (L6 or V8) the motorcar had from the manufactory. A VIN engine digit of iii indicates a L6 engine, while a VIN engine digit of four indicates a V8 engine.

The cowl tags for 1967 Camaros were stamped with a fashion lawmaking of 12x37 or 12x67, where the x was set to iv for standard interior or 6 for custom interior. All 1968-69 Camaros (L6 or V8) had a style lawmaking of 12437 or 12467 on the cowl tag - the third digit of the firewall style number for these 2 years was fixed to 4 and finer had no meaning.

For related information, run into too the Cowl Tag and Numbers Trivia sections.


Cowl Tag Decode

The cowl tag is a pocket-size aluminum tag riveted to the driver'southward side of the firewall in the engine compartment, by the chief cylinder. The tag was stamped at the Fisher Body associates establish (not the Chevrolet vehicle assembly plant, which was a separate entity) with characters describing bones characteristics of the body build. Below is a summary of the major cowl tag fields, referred to below as fields a thru g. Despite several variations of cowl tag formats and shapes, the bulk of the data remained the same for the 1967-1969 model years. 1967 was the last (and only, for Camaro) year for inclusion of choice related codes. In that location were also a few other changes in field content from year to year, every bit described below.

(These discussions apply only to U.S.-built bodies sold by GM in North America and are not applicable to models assembled exterior of the U.S. Notation that 1968 Yenkos and 1968 non-Canadian export models, non requiring the argument of certification to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, were shipped with 1959-1963 manner Fisher Body tags that are absent the 1968 certification statement. And 1969 consign tags are often blank on the lesser of the tag.)

1967-1968 Cowl Tag Fields
                            Field locations (also clickable    with your cursor on the tags to  the left & described beneath) ____________________________________           BODY Past FISHER                            a                b                            ST                            c            d                            Trunk      TR                            e            f                            Pigment                            g(67 only)                          
1969 Cowl Tag Fields
                            Trunk BY FISHER      ST                            c             d                            BDY      TR                            e             f                            PNT                            a          b(LOS)/g(NOR)                          
1967 NOR Cowl Tag
1967 NOR Cowl Tag
1968 LOS Cowl Tag
1968 LOS Cowl Tag
1969 NOR Cowl Tag
1969 NOR Cowl Tag
date intpnt body style code Plant code Interior trim Paint code 67codes date w/o body style code Plant code Interior trim Paint code body style code Plant code Interior trim Paint code date X code
  Field a - trunk build appointment code
This is composed of ii digits (01 thru 12 corresponding to each month of the year) and a letter of the alphabet (A thru E corresponding to the week of the month) and indicates when the assembly of the body was started. For example, 11C means the torso assembly was started during the tertiary week of November of that model yr. 05A would mean the trunk assembly was started during the offset week of May.
  Field b (LOS vs NOR)
LOS - Fisher Body body scheduling lawmaking

The LOS (Los Angeles/Van Nuys) torso scheduling lawmaking is a letter followed past one to three digits, due east.g., F103. Based on data analysis (in that location is no GM documentation that describes this code, merely the data is consistent across thousands of datapoints), CRG believes the code was used by LOS Fisher Body (and other plants that built multiple carlines) to assistance in scheduling the body build order.

The letter indicates the approximate day of the month for the start of the assembly of the vehicle body. Information technology is only an gauge appointment because it appears that the day on the tag was really when the vehicle was being scheduled to be built. The actual start of production could vary by a few days.

The lawmaking began with letter "A" on the commencement day of the month of the Fisher production calendar, incremented at the commencement of each boosted production day to the next alphabetic letter, and was reset to letter of the alphabet "A" at the start of the adjacent production month. (Notation that the Fisher product calendar is known to differ from the calendar month, and nosotros also exercise not know exactly how the Fisher production agenda related to the Chevrolet monthly product reporting calendar.)

The one-to-three digit sequence number that follows the alphabetic character was reset to i at the start of each day and generally incremented serially with each trunk congenital by the factory as the mean solar day progressed. Due to scheduling requirements, this progression was not accented and vehicles chould be built out of tag sequence. Information analysis indicates that the sequence number at the LOS found was assigned regardless of model or torso blazon. By this nosotros mean that Camaros and full-size passenger cars both incremented the same sequence counter. The unit counter was reset to 1 the next twenty-four hours every bit the day-of-the-calendar month code letter incremented to the next letter. In the example, F103 would indicate approximately the sixth twenty-four hours of product for a given month and almost the 103rd body on that sixth day of production.

NOR - (1967 only) NOR interior pigment code

The NOR (Norwood) interior paint code, used only during 1967, is a single letter of the alphabet and is the same grapheme every bit used on the Protect-o-Plate (POP). See the POP decoding section for other details on the Norwood interior paint lawmaking.

  Field c - body fashion lawmaking 12xx7 (See likewise this explanation of why the Fisher manner and VIN prefix differed.)
The 2 digit twelvemonth ("67," "68," or "69") was followed by a five-digit "ST" body style code, due east.g. 12437. The outset two digits of the style lawmaking are the model lawmaking ("12") and the last two digits are body code ("37" for coupe and "67" convertible).
While the Fisher style code is often confused with the first five digits of the VIN, the two codes are different considering of the unlike meaning of the third digit. In 1967, the third digit of the style code was set to "4" for standard interior or "6" for custom interior (e.g. a way code for a 67 convertible with custom interior would be 12667). In 1968-69, the third digit was stock-still at "4" for all models (L6 and V8) and had no meaning.
  Field d - assembly plant lawmaking
The next three letters stand for the associates constitute ("NOR" for the Norwood, Ohio manufacturing plant and "LOS" for the Los Angeles (Van Nuys), California manufactory. In mid-December 1968, the "LOS" was inverse to "VN."
The digits that follow, upwardly to six, represent the Fisher body number. Details on the body number can be plant in the Torso Number article. The body number is not the aforementioned every bit the VIN sequence. In 67-68, the body number was approximately sequential, increasing as more cars were built during the model year. In 69, the body number was assigned when the order was accepted, not when the body when built. Body numbers from cars that were built at the aforementioned time can vary significantly, depending on how chop-chop the club was fulfilled.
  Field east - interior trim code
The first three digits of the trim ("TR") code are a unique (for each year) interior color and blazon code that indicate the colour and standard or custom interior.
1967 tags also take a hyphenated suffix that indicate seat and headrest blazon:
Z - standard A50 Strato Bucket seats (no headrest)
Y - RPO AS2 headrest added to the A50 saucepan seats
H - RPO AL4 Stato Bench seats (no headrest)
T - RPO AS2 headrests added to the AL4 bench seats
  Field f - exterior pigment code
The "PAINT" or "PNT" fields evidence the body paint color and the height color, including vinyl or convertible top, if so equipped. For cars without a vinyl or convertible top, the body paint color was stamped on the tag twice, eastward.chiliad. E-E or 69-69.
Pigment codes were alphabetic in 1967-68, and numeric in 1969. Vinyl and convertible top codes were numeric in 1967-68, and alphabetic in 1969. Two-tone pigment was offered only with the 1969 models. Special paint cars were marked with special codes, as noted in the special paint department.
  Field g - trunk-related pick codes (see the 1967 Fisher Option Codes and the 1969 Norwood Ten codes)
In 1967 this was a listing of numbered option groups where each character represented a trunk-related option that required some action on the part of Fisher Body to alter the "baseline" configuration.
This data was eliminated in 1968, just in mid-twelvemonth 1969, the Norwood Fisher Torso institute began using a new torso paint/trim coding scheme - the famous X codes and other codes including D80, Z10, and Z11.

1967 "armada and special order" (F&Then) codes were also stamped in this expanse of the tag by both factories to signal special vehicle order(s). For example, one of the groups of 1967 Norwood-built Indy Stride Car replicas used the "-061A" F&SO code.


Exterior Color Codes

Below are the CRG tables, with footnotes, for exterior paint and vinyl and convertible top colors, and the relationships between them. Related topics that are also covered beneath include:
  • Special Pigment Designation
  • Window Sticker Paint Codes

Cowl tags and POP tags in 1967 and 1968 used a letter lawmaking for body paint and a numeric code for the vinyl/convertible top. Cowl tags changed in 1969 to employ of a numeric code for the trunk pigment (with two-tone paint at present a Camaro option) and a alphabetic character code for the vinyl/convertible top color. For cars without a vinyl or convertible meridian, the body pigment color was stamped on the tag twice, due east.k. E-E or 69-69. To run across examples of the colors, the website has photos of 67-69 Camaros in the various factory colors.

The 1969 colors are presented in the same row as the two-letter RPO suffix that was added to the 1969 window sticker. For instance, 1969 Dover White, code "50", is shown in the Exterior Paints Table in row "C". This means that the cowl tag would have shown "50-50" and the window sticker, as shown in the Exterior Paint RPO Codes Table, would have had "5911CC DOVER WHITE" printed on it (where the initial "5" is the Chevrolet prefix indicating Camaro).

Non-standard paint colour and striping color could be special ordered, and such cars were especially marked. See the Special Pigment section for more details.

Stripe colors (white or black, with red added in 1969, and pace cars being a special exception) were selected based on body color. In 1967-68, in that location were three color combination exceptions where top color overrode that choice. In 1969, stripe color pick became more complicated as Chevy decided to make the stripe color vary depending on the top colour. 1967-68 stripe colors are shown in the tabular array beneath. The 1969 Stripe Color table shows the 1969 stripe colour (W=White, B=Black, R=Red) equally a function of top color and blazon; the fable for the acme color codes are shown in the Convertible Pinnacle Colors and Vinyl Superlative Colors tables.

Stripe colors were painted as follows: White stripes were painted with Ermine White or Dover White, blackness stripes with a black that was unlike than Tuxedo Black, red stripes with Monza Red, and 69 pacer stripes with Hugger Orange. The diverse stripe designs and usage are shown in the Exterior section.

1967-1969 Camaro Exterior Paint Color Codes
                  1967                       1968                          1969     Code  Trunk Colour / Stripe   Code Torso Color / Stripe       Code  Body Colour                  (three)                  ----  ------------------    ---- -------------------       ---- ---------------      A   Tuxedo Black / W        A  Tuxedo Black(del) / W      ten  Tuxedo Blackness        B   --                         --                         69  Cortez Silver       C   Ermine White / B        C  Ermine White / B           50  Dover White         D   Nantucket Bluish / W      D  Grotto Blueish / W            53  Glacier Bluish        East   Deepwater Blue / W      E  Fathom Blue(del) / W       51  Dusk Blueish           F   Marina Blue / Due west                  (1)                  F  Island Teal / Due west            71  LeMans Blue         K   Granada Gold / B        Thousand  Ash Gold / B               65  Olympic Gold        H   Mount Green / B      H  Grecian Light-green(del) / B     --  --                  J   --                      J  Rallye Green(add together) / Due west      79  Rallye Dark-green      Yard   Emerald Turquoise / B   G  Tripoli Turquoise / B      55  Azure Turquoise     Fifty   Tahoe Turquoise / West     50  Teal Blue / West              --  --                  1000   Royal Plum / W             --                         63  Champagne           N   Madeira Maroon / W      N  Cordovan Maroon / W        67  Burgundy            O   --                      O  Corvette Bronze(add) / B   --  --    P   --                      P  Seafrost Light-green / B         76  Daytona Yellow      Q   --                         --                         72  Hugger Orange       R   Bolero Cerise / W                  (1)                  R  Matador Cerise / Westward                  (2)                  52  Garnet Red          S   Sierra Fawn / B         S  --                         61  Burnished Brown    T   Capri Cream / B         T  Palomino Ivory(del) / B    --  --                 U   --                      U  LeMans Blue(add) / West       --  --                 V   --                      V  Sequoia Green / Due west          57  Fathom Dark-green     Due west   --                         --                         59  Frost Dark-green                  (4)                  Y   Butternut Yellow / B    Y  Butternut Yellowish / B       twoscore  Butternut Yellow      Z   --                      Z  British Green(add) / W     --  --                  As of January 68, colors A, E, H, and T were deleted, and colors J, O, U, and Z were added.   Stripe Color: W=White, B=Black                  1969 Ii-Tone Coupe Colors    DC  --                     --             53-l Glacier Blue/Dover White    KC  --                     --             55-fifty Azure Turquoise/Dover White    DE  --                     --             53-51 Glacier Blue/Dusk Blue    ED  --                     --             51-53 Dusk Blue/Glacier Blue    GC  --                     --             65-50 Olympic Gold/Dover White    SM  --                     --             61-63 Burnished Brown/Champagne                

Table Footnotes:

  1. 1967: Marina Blueish and Bolero Reddish have Black stripes with Black vinyl/convertible tops.
  2. 1968: Matador Ruddy have Blackness stripe with Blackness vinyl/convertible elevation.
  3. 1969: Colors 10, 67, forty, 61, 51, 53/51, 51/53, and 61/63 were initially special order from LOS/VN. forty, 63, 61/63 were initially special order from NOR. The special order restriction was lifted circa January 1969. Note that "special order" is different from "special paint."
  4. 1969: 59 Frost Green was also called Frost Lime in some references.
1969 Camaro Stripe Colour vs Tiptop Color
                  Vinyl    Convertible   1969               Trunk Color  top code   top code  Code  Trunk Color    (no meridian)  B E F C S     B  A  ---- ---------------  -----   ---------    ------   x  Tuxedo Black      Due west(1)   Westward W - - Westward     W  Due west   40  Butternut Yellowish  B      B B B - -     B  B   50  Dover White       B(2)   B B - B B     B  B   51  Dusk Blue         W      Due west W - W -     Due west  W   52  Garnet Scarlet        B      B W - - -     B  Due west   53  Glacier Blue      B      B W - B -     B  Due west   55  Azure Turquoise   B      B Westward - - -     B  W   57  Fathom Green      Westward      W W - - W     W  W   59  Frost Green       B      B W - - B     B  W   61  Glassy Brownish   Due west      W W West - -     W  W   63  Champagne         B      B Due west B - -     B  Due west   65  Olympic Gold      B      B W B - -     B  W   67  Burgundy          R(3)   R Due west - - -     R  W   69  Cortez Argent     B(ii)   B Due west - B -     B  W   71  LeMans Bluish       Due west(iv)   B W - - -     B  Westward   72  Hugger Orangish     Westward      B W - - -     B  West   76  Daytona Yellow    B      B B - - -     B  B   79  Rallye Dark-green      W      B Due west - - B(v)  B  W                                          Stripe Color: West=White, B=Black, R=Ruby-red                
Table Footnotes:
  1. 1969: Tuxedo Blackness coupes with Black interior and D90, DX1, or D96 stripe (not Z28) and without* vinyl top received a Cherry stripe. (* Annotation: Original paint black cars with black vinyl tops have a scarlet stripe, so GM documentation appears to exist in fault on this detail).
  2. 1969: Cortez Silver and Dover White coupes with Red interior and D90, DX1, or D96 stripe (not Z28) and without vinyl meridian received a Carmine stripe.
  3. 1969: The default stripe color for Burgundy was red. However, the "Camaro Striping Colour Awarding Chart" dated 4/1/69 documents the Burgundy models that received white stripes: Z/28 or non-Z/28 with either Parchment vinyl top or white convertible top.
  4. 1969: While the dealer literature reports that a blackness stripe is the default color with LeMans Blue, simply white stripes have been observed in practice, except for special orders.
  5. 1969: 79 Rallye Green was added as allowable color for the Midnight Dark-green Vinyl Roof circa January 1969.
1967-1969 Camaro Convertible Top Colors and Quantities
                  1967                     1968                   1969  Lawmaking   Color     Qty      Code  Color   Qty      Code  Colour  Qty#  ---- ---------- -----     ---- -------- ----     ---- ------- ----    1   White      9290       one   White   6825       A   White  8126    two   Blackness     14505       2   Blackness  12356       B   Blackness  8970     4   Med Blue   1346       4   Bluish    1259   * The default convertible top was white. Blackness or bluish (67-68)     had to be specially designated.  # 1969 totals are through Sept 69 - missing the last 5 weeks     of production (477 more convertibles).                
1967-1969 Camaro Vinyl Peak Colors
                  1967           1968           1969  Code  Pinnacle      Lawmaking  Top      Lawmaking   Top           1969 Torso Colors *  ---- ------    ---- ------    ----  -----------     ----------------    2  Black       2  Black       B   Black           All colors        --             --         C   Dark Blue       50, 51, 53, 69     6  Biscuit /     vi  White       East   Parchment       All colors      Light Fawn                  F   Nighttime Brown      40, 61, 63, 65      (fair)                 S   Midnight Greenish  10, 50, 57, 59, 79(Jan)                                                           * Other 1969 body colors could be ordered with the non-Blackness and      not-Parchment tiptop colors, but would require confirmation (via ZP2     colour override) before the society would exist accepted into the system.                


Special paint cars were identified with a unique pigment code on the cowl tag and were ordered via the Fleet and Special Order (F&SO) organization. Special paint was any not-standard Camaro color; information technology could exist a GM color or any other color. (The Cadillac Firemist colors were the merely colors non bachelor. Since they had such a coarse metallic, the Firemist colors needed to be sprayed through a special paint gun.)

In 1968-69, either deletion of a stripe or use of a non-standard stripe color was likewise considered to be special paint.

In 68, if any of the 4 colors (A, Eastward, H, T) that were deleted mid-year (meet note in the Exterior Color table) were ordered in the latter role of the yr, the cowl tag was coded as special paint on Norwood cars (though Los Angeles cars normally used the cancelled colour code).

On the window sticker and on broadcast copy sheets, "1001AA" and "1001HA" have been observed as designating special paint cars. Note that all cars were painted, no Camaros were shipped from the associates constitute in primer.

Cowl Tag Coding
1967 special paint cars used the letter "O" instead of the normal colour lawmaking. For early on model year 1968, the designation for special pigment cars changed to the letter "Z". Still, the new mid-twelvemonth colors were assigned codes and starting January 1968, the alphabetic character "Z" paint code was used to announce the new Camaro color called British Green, and simultaneously the notation of special guild pigment was changed to a nuance "-". The "-" special paint code continued for the rest of the 1968 model twelvemonth likewise as for the entire 1969 model twelvemonth. Due to changes and differences in how the factories marked the paint codes (peculiarly differences in 1968 mill formats), the special paint formats are easier to illustrate in the examples in the Special Paint Tabular array below than to draw in words.

Cowl Tag Examples for Special Pigment
                  Pigment   Vinyl Elevation/Convertible                    -----   ---------------------      1967        NOR/LOS      O-O             O-2        1968 early        NOR          Z Z             Z 2        LOS          Z-Z             Z-2        1968 late         NOR          - -             - 2        LOS          ---             --ii        1969        NOR/LOS      - -             - B      -------------------------------------------   (1) Note that blackness tops are shown in all the examples.   (two) CRG isn't clear at this time how a 1967 "stripe delete"     car was marked. Stripe delete was considered "special      paint" in 1968-69.   (three) In 1967 only, a dash can follow the standard option      codes at the bottom of the cowl tag. This dash may      appear by itself or information technology may precede the Fleet & Special      Order (F&So) lawmaking. This dash has been observed on all      known special paint cars. This dash indicated that at that place      were special instructions (the F&Then paperwork) for the      vehicle. The dash would also be on vehicles ordered as      part of a fleet.                


Related to the cowl tag and POP paint codes was the product component code for body pigment that appeared on the window sticker was like for all three years. Even in 1969, when the numeric codes were used for pigment on the cowl tag, the window sticker production code still included an alphabetic production component code suffix similar to those used in 1967 and 1968. For example, Tuxedo Black (coded as A in 67 and 68, and 10 in 1969) appeared this style on window stickers:
1967: 5900AA TUXEDO Blackness 1968: 5900AA TUXEDO BLACK 1969: 5910AA TUXEDO Blackness      
While the "900 code" in 1969 was 910, and the cowl tag lawmaking was also a 10, this appears to have been coincidence, or at all-time, an isolated equivalence. As you tin see from the table below, no other colors had this equivalence in 1969.
1967-1969 Camaro Exterior Color
Window Sticker RPO Codes
                  Window Sticker RPO Code               -----------------------  Torso Color   1967    1968    1969  ----------  ------  ------  ------   A or 10    5900AA  5900AA  5910AA    B or 69      --      --    5912BB   C or 50    5900CC  5900CC  5911CC   D or 53    5900DD  5900DD  5922DD   E or 51    5900EE  5900EE  5923EE   F or 71    5900FF  5900FF  5924FF   Chiliad or 65    5900GG  5900GG  5915GG   H          5900HH  5900HH    --   J or 79      --    5900JJ  5925JJ   G or 55    5900KK  5900KK  5921KK   L          5900LL  5900LL    --   M or 63    5900MM    --    5917MM   Northward or 67    5900NN  5900NN  5914NN   O            --    5900OO    --   P or 76      --    5900PP  5926PP   Q or 72      --      --    5927QQ   R or 52    5900RR  5900RR  5913RR   Southward or 61    5900SS    --    5918SS   T          5900TT  5900TT    --   U            --    5900UU    --   V or 57      --    5900VV  5920VV   Due west or 59      --      --    5919WW   Y or 40    5900YY  5900YY  5916YY   Z            --    5900ZZ    --    53/50       --      --    5954DC    53/51       --      --    5955DE    51/53       --      --    5956ED    65/l       --      --    5957GC    55/50       --      --    5958KC    61/63       --      --    5959SM                

Interior Trim Codes

The 1967-1969 first-generation Camaro interior trim codes are summarized in the tables below. Notation that the first column is the interior paint code that was used on the 67-68 Protect-o-Plate and the 1967 Norwood cowl tag.
1967 Camaro Interior Trim Codes
                  Int.  Pigment Interior           Standard  Standard  Custom   Custom  Code  Color               Saucepan   Demote(1)  Bucket  Bench(ane)  ----- -----------------  --------  --------  ------  --------    Due east    Black                760       756      765      767   B    Blue                 717       739   D    Ruby                  741                742   G    Aureate                 709       796      711      712   K    Parchment/Black(2)                      797   R    Bright Blue                             732      716   T    Turquoise                               779   Y    Yellowish                                  707   Y    Yellowish/Blackness (3)                        706  -------------------  (1) Demote seat not available in convertible.       (two) Carpet, musical instrument panel, and steering bike are blackness.  (3) Alternate yellowish/black custom interior offered late in the model   yr. Most 706 lower interior parts were black instead of the golden   in a 707 interior: carpeting, lower doors, kick panels, dash, etc.                

1967 interior codes also have a hyphenated suffix that indicate seat and headrest type:
"Z" indicated standard A50 Strato Saucepan seats (no headrest)
"Y" indicated RPO AS2 headrest added to the A50 saucepan seats
"H" indicated RPO AL4 Stato Bench seats (no headrest)
"T" indicated RPO AS2 headrests added to the AL4 bench seats.

1968 Camaro Interior Trim Codes
                  Int.  Paint Interior           Standard  Standard  Custom   Custom  Code  Color               Bucket   Bench(ane)  Bucket  Bench(i)   ----- -----------------  --------  --------  ------  --------   E    Black                712       713      714      715   B    Blue                 717       718      719      720   D    Ruddy                  724                725   Thou    Gold                 722       723      721   Yard    Parchment/Black (3)                     730   Thou    Ivory/Black (3)                         711   Q    Blackness Houndstooth (2)                   749   5    Ivory Houndstooth (2,3,4)               716   T    Turquoise                               726      727  -------------------  (1) Bench seat not available in convertible.       (two) Houndstooth not bachelor in convertible.  (3) Carpet, instrument panel, and steering cycle are blackness.      730 Parchment was early and was a dissimilar color from      the Ivory. 711/716 were later on production (later on March)       and both used the same Ivory colour.  (4) 716 was as well referred to as "Dalmation White Trim" on       documentation for tardily 68 NOR cars.                
1969 Camaro Interior Trim Codes
                  Interior                 Standard    Custom     Colour                     Saucepan     Bucket     ----------------------   --------   --------     Black                      711        712     Dark Blueish                  715        716       Medium Cherry                 718        719     Medium Green               721        722     Midnight Green             723        725     Ivory/Black                727     Black Houndstooth (1)                 713     Ivory Houndstooth (1)                 729     Orange Houndstooth (1,2)              720     Yellow Houndstooth (1,2)              714     ------------------- (one) Houndstooth not available for convertible except     for RPO Z11 pace cars/replicas. (2) 720 Orange Houndstooth normally available only with 72           Hugger Orange. 714 Yellow Houndstooth ordinarily available      only with 76 Daytona Yellow. Other exterior colors, such     as 10 Tuxedo Black and 50 Dover White, have been observed     with both interiors, but in express quantities.      At this time, it isn't articulate if these color combinations     required a special order, or were routinely bachelor.                

1967 Cowl Tag - Fisher Body Codes

(Note: Meet the Cowl Tag department for other details on the cowl tag.)

A table of the known 1967 Camaro Fisher Body option codes is below. Fisher factory documentation for these codes is not bachelor. Notwithstanding, a big number of the code meanings have been confirmed via a Fisher production form chosen the Uniform Option Identification Tag (UOIT) that was sometimes (fortunately for us) left in the car during build - often under the carpet or inside the headliner. Those codes that have been confirmed via bachelor UOITs are and so noted - and the verbal wording of the UOIT description is shown in uppercase letters. The remaining codes have been decoded via statistical analysis, and are therefore not known exactly, but by inference. The CRG would appreciate a contact from anyone that has found an original UOIT course and so that different versions (fifty-fifty of codes we already know) can be compared, and inferred codes determined exactly.

At the LOS manufacturing plant, the 2M code was used for either the Powerglide or the TH400 automated transmission, i.e. the 2Z lawmaking was not used at LOS. Early on TH400 cars didn't take the 2M on the tag until mid-March.
At the NOR factory, the 2M code and the 2Z code merely applied to automatic transmissions that were in combination with the D55 panel (2G). Early cars with TH400's and consoles don't take 2Z notated on the tag until mid-April.

The 4P code was not used at the get-go of production at either the Van Nuys plant or the Norwood establish.
Van Nuys started using the 4P code on the SS350 cars in September, but Norwood didn't kickoff using the 4P code until October. Early Van Nuys SS350 cars and Norwood SS350 cars built before October will not have the 4P code to verify that they are SS'due south.
The 4P code tin indicate either a SS350 or a L30/M20. Usage of the 4P code with the L30/M20 is believed to have started in the belatedly December 1966 / January 1967 timeframe.

The very get-go 1967 Z28's and L78's were also coded 4P; the 4L and 4K codes were then used on the remainder of 1967 Z28 and L78 product.

The lack of a 4P, 4L, 4N, or 4K code indicates the motorcar originally had a 327 (bold the auto had a V8, equally indicated past the VIN). The just exception is the early SS350's noted above.

Armada and Special Order (F&SO) codes (e.g. L181A) were besides stamped in this expanse of the tag past both factories to indicate a special vehicle order. In almost cases, these special orders were special paint instructions.

1967 LOS Cowl Tag

This tag decodes as having the following options:
756-H = (AL4) Strato Dorsum Bench Seat -
black standard interior
1E = (A01) Tinted All Glass
1X = (A31) Ability Windows
1L = (A67) Fold-down rear seat
2E = (C60) Air Conditioner
2M = (M35) Powerglide Transmission
4F = (D33) Mirror Remote Command
5C = (AS1) Shoulder harness - regular

1967 Cowl Tag Fisher Option Codes
Group Number Code RPO
UOIT Clarification *
Suffix Codes
H AL4 Strato Back (demote seat) without headrests
T AL4 & AS2 Strato Back (demote seat) with headrests
Z A50 yes STRATO BUCKETS (without headrests)
(The A50 Strato-bucket without headrest was the
default seat and was not specifically noted on an society.)
Strato-bucket seats with optional headrests.
implied, the
"1" is not on
the tag
East A01 yes TINTED ALL Glass
W A02 yes TINTED West/Due south Simply
10 A31 yes Power WINDOWS
D C06 yes Ability Top Convert
2 1000 D55 yes CONSOLE FRT COMPT
(NOR - only used in combination with D55 console)
(LOS - Powerglide or TH400)
Z M40 TH400 3-speed automatic transmission
(NOR just, with D55 console)
L M20 (or M21) yep 4-SPEED FLR SHIFT
B M11 3-speed flooring shifter for M15 or M13
Eastward C60 yes AIR COND
3 Fifty Z22 aye RALLY SPORT PKG
(coupe-merely underdash lights)
Due south Z23 yes INTERIOR DECOR GRP
K Z21 yes EXT MOLDG Group
iv P L48 or L30/M20 yes ENGINE REINF ASY
SS350 or L30/M20 - Not-SS396/Z28 paint with radius rod
(Come across notation above on early Norwood employ.)
SS396/325hp - Blackness tailpan with radius rod
SS396/375hp - Blackness tailpan with radius rod
Z28 - Rally stripes with radius rod
Y A39 yes BELTS ALL Palatial
B V32 yep BUMPER GUARDS R(ear)
O A48 Seatbelt delete
Used on export models for countries for which U.South.
belts were not compliant with local requirements
(compliant belts were added afterwards importation).
* Fisher selection codes that take been confirmed (via UOIT's) are shown with their UOIT descriptions in capital courier font letters.

The "5O" code has been observed a number of times. Thanks to Ove Sjoholm of Camaro Society Sweden, we have found that this lawmaking appears on all Swedish export Camaros (information technology has since been observed on virtually Camaros exported to other countries), suggesting that it is related to the consign conversion of a Fisher installed component. Ove has noted that Sweden had more restrictive chugalug/harness requirements and it is known that Swedish Camaros had Swedish-compliant belts added locally. Nosotros have likewise received corroborating evidence of this code being a seat belt delete on Corvair from the 65-67 Corvair tag code enquiry of Kent Sullivan and crew.

Annotation: the "2K" code for the N33 tilt wheel had previously been reported in the Camaro press, only it has non been observed on any vehicle, including 67'south with a documented N33 pick installation. A Fisher Body code would non be expected for this pick considering the tilt wheel was installed in the vehicle during the Chevrolet portion of the associates process, not during the Fisher portion.  

1969 Cowl Tag - Ten Codes

The Tennn codes were a mid-1969 model addition to the Fisher Body cowl tags of Norwood-built Camaros, starting with the 12B (2nd calendar week of Dec) build week. (CRG has found 12B cars both with and without these codes. Our data for all cars in prior weeks is absent this code, and our data for all cars in weeks following contain this code.) These codes were an aid for Fisher body assembly workers to identify body trim and pigment changes required for unlike Camaro models. The codes are divided into 2 groups: those with the Z21 style trim option and those without the Z21 fashion trim choice.

The Z21 Style Trim group was part of the Z22 Rally Sport selection, so RS cars are role of the group with the Z21 style trim option. Thus RS cars can but exist X11, X22, or X33.
X11, X22, or X33 cars have to have mode trim, but from the code you lot can't tell if the car likewise had RS.
X44, X55, X66, and X77 cars cannot have the Rally Sport (or style trim) option.

1969 Norwood Camaro Fisher Lawmaking Interpretation
                  with Z21 Style Trim       without Z21 Style Trim   (or Z22 Rally Sport)       (or Z22 Rally Sport)  -----------------------    ----------------------  X11* not-SS396, non-Z28,    X44* non-SS, non-Z28       includes SS350         X55  SS350  X22  SS396                  X66  SS396  X33  Z28                    X77  Z28    * COPO Camaros were an exception, as most COPOs     were built out of bodies coded with X11 or X44.    Some early COPOs had X22 or X66-coded bodies.      Additional 1969 Norwood Fisher codes that were   used instead of the 10-codes include:    Z10 - Indy Pace Car replica coupe    Z11 - Indy Footstep Car replica convertible   Additional 1969 Norwood Fisher codes that could be  combined with the 10-codes include:    D80 - signifies the car was equipped with D80           spoilers, but the lawmaking was not always used.      A  - signifies the auto was equipped with power           windows, but the code was not always used.                

A few mid-year 69's, generally convertibles, did non have X-codes stamped on the cowl tag. It is unknown why the code was not stamped on the tag.

Note that X11 and X44 codes also included L26 230ci/130HP and L22 250ci/155HP 6-cylinder engine cars, as well every bit models equipped with the LF7 327ci/210HP, L14 307ci/200HP, L65 350ci/250HP, or LM1 350ci/255HP engines.

So, how many cars were coded X11?
Some quick math yields that 77% of 1969 Camaros were non-SS and non-Z28. After Dec 68, these cars would be coded X11 and X44. Multiplying the that percentage with the percentage of cars that had style trim or RS (58%) yields a lilliputian more than 44% of X-coded 69's were non-SS X11's. A similar calculation on the SS350 (9% of 69's) production quantity yield that less than half would be X55, the balance would exist X11, almost 5%. Adding these totals together shows the full of X11-coded cars to be approximately 50% of all 1969 X-codes. The corollary is that only most 1 in ten of X11-coded cars are really SS350's.

X-code explanation

The following will aid explain why the X-codes were arranged that manner and their specific purpose. The need for this arrangement revolves effectually the elements of the Z21 Way Trim option in 1969, which included the following items:
  • Vivid vertical bars in taillamp lenses
  • Brilliant driprail moldings (except convertible)
  • Black body sill (except sure colors)
  • Brilliant wheel opening moldings
  • Wheel opening paint pinstripes (n/a with D90 stripe)
  • Bright rear quarter simulated louver moldings
  • Bright headlamp bezel confront moldings

So what specific features did the X-codes imply; what did the codes mean to the workers on the Fisher associates line? The X22, X33, X66, and X77 code differences are easily explained by pigment differences (Z28 stripe and 396 tailpan), so it is the X11, X44, and X55 codes that require greater analysis. To farther misfile matters, the not-Z21/Z22 1969 SS cars did incorporate a subset of Z21. To understand the differences between the X11, X44, and X55 codes, examine the comparative table below:

X11, X44, and X55 Body Trim and Paint Features
                  Non-SS                  SS                               -----------------     ------------------                    Code      X44    X11    X11     X11   X11   X55                              no Z21                            no Z21                     Option   no Z22  Z21    Z22     Z21   Z22  no Z22                             ------  ---    ---     ---   ---  ------  Black body sill              no    yes    aye     aye   yes   yeah   Rear quarter moldings        no    yeah    yes     aye   aye   aye   Driprail molding             no    yes    yes     yes   yeah   no   Wheel opening moldings       no    yes    yes     yep   aye   no   Wheel opening pinstripes     no    yeah    yes     no    no    no   Bright taillamp trim         no    aye    no      yeah   no    yeah  Bright headlamp bezel trim   no    yep    no      yes   no    yes      Z21 = Manner Trim     Z22 = Rally Sport                

As tin exist seen from the tabular array above, the X11 code ever includes the first iv features: the use of black torso sill pigment and the use of the trim moldings (rear quarter louver, driprail, and wheel opening). The deviation between X11 and X55 is that X55 does not utilize the driprail and wheel opening moldings.

From this table, we tin can deduce that the wheel opening stripes, headlamp bezels, and taillamp lenses were non a factor in the X-codes. The tabular array likewise testify that the addition of Z22 (which eliminates the vivid taillamp and headlamp trim, since the Rally Sport lamps are dissimilar) has the aforementioned upshot on the Ten-codes as Z21.

Going dorsum to the X22, X33, X66, and X77 codes, their meanings are at present clear. X22 and X33 codes accept the same meaning as the related X11 code, but with an added blacked-out tailpan for X22, and with an added Z28 stripe for X33. The X66 code has the aforementioned meaning as X55, just with a blacked-out tailpan. The X77 lawmaking has the same meaning as X44, merely with a Z28 stripe. Including these meanings in a tabular array roofing most of the major trim features for all of the X-codes, and calculation in the related Z10 & Z11 codes, we go the post-obit outcome:

Torso Trim and Pigment Features of the 1969 10 & Z Codes
                  with Z21 or Z22               without Z21 or Z22                         -----------------------------    ------------------------                       non-SS396/Z  SS396 Z28              non-SS/Z SS350 SS396 Z28  Features                  X11     X22  X33  Z10  Z11      X44     X55   X66  X77  -------------------    --------- ----- ---  ---  ---    -------  ----- ----- ---  black body sill           yep     yes  yes  no   no        no     yes   yep  no  rear qtr moldings         yes     yes  yes  yes  yes       no     yes   yes  no  driprail molding          yes     aye  yes  yes  no        no     no    no   no  wheel open moldings       yep     yes  yes  yes  yep       no     no    no   no  blacked-out tailpan       no      aye  no   no   no        no     no    yes  no  Z28 rally stripe          no      no   yes  yes  yep       no     no    no   yeah                

Protect-o-Plate Decode

The Protect-o-Plate (POP) is a minor stamped metal plate that was provided with each vehicle by the manufacturing plant as part of the warranty and service bundle. It was atttached to the vehicle's warranty booklet. When the vehicle was sold, the dealer added the client's data proper noun and address to the metallic plate via Dymo-type stamped plastic adhesive labeling. Note that the data is stamped on the POP as a mirror image, and so that the imprint from POP was correctly oriented.

The Pop contains basic ID data virtually the powertrain components (engine and carburetor, transmission, and rear beam) besides as selected factory installed options, and the calendar month of manufacture. 1967-68 POPs also showed the exterior colors from the cowl tag as well as the interior paint colour (the interior paint color is also shown on the 1967 Norwood cowl tag, but non on the Los Angeles cowl tag).

Pop data were stamped on a viii row by 30 cavalcade grid at predefined coordinates. Instructions for stamping the Popular data were contained in the assembly transmission for each year, and decoding instructions were included in parts manuals and service manuals and bulletins. There are nine basic fields - illustrated in the POP transcription below and summarized field by field in the following list. For each data item, the row/column positions of the starting and ending cells on the plate are noted, with rows beingness labeled A thru H, and columns as 1 thru xxx.

In the simulated 1968 POP (below left), each of the bold-faced monospace characters in the field of the plate is selectable and leads to a more detailed description of that field, which, in turn, often has a link to fifty-fifty more detail. The example describes a 1968 Camaro with a gold interior and British Green body with a white vinyl top. After the VIN is the code for a Carter carburetor. The engine is a L30 327ci/275HP for a manual manual, the beam a iii.07:1 ratio 12-bolt, the vehicle was assembled in January, and the transmission is a Saginaw iv-speed. The details of the specific component decodes can be constitute in the links to the Drivetrain Decoding page in the descriptions that follow.

The 1969 POP pictured (below right) decodes as a Norwood-built car that was assembled in March with a Bay City carburetor, 307/200hp engine, Powerglide transmission, 2.73 10-commodities axle, and a radio (via the 3 option lawmaking under the axle code).

1967-1969 Camaro Protect-o-Plate Format
ane 1 one 1 1 1 1 i 1 i ii 2 2 ii 2 2 2 ii 2 2 iii
1 ii 3 four five half-dozen 7 eight ix 0 ane ii 3 4 five half dozen 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 8 9 0
due west
A Chiliad Z 6 1 2 four iii 7 8 L 3 i ii 3 4 v C
B T 0 1 0 3 E A B L 1 2 2 3 Chiliad 1
C R viii S 2 i iii iv 5 1 1
Due east (this area for utilise past the dealer for
F adding the owner's name and address
M   via Dymo embossed adhesive tape characterization)
1969 Protect-o-Plate

The option field in the 68 Popular example higher up decodes every bit follows. The first option position at C-15, the "3", indicates power steering (N40) and ability brakes (J50). The second option position at C-16 was unused in 1968. The third position at C-17 indicates AM radio (U63) with rear speaker (U80). The fourth position at C-18 indicates F41 suspension with disc brakes (J52). The fifth position at C-nineteen indicates air-conditioning (C60). And the option code in the 6th position at C-20 shows electric windows (A31).

The coordinates and details of each of the nine fields follow:

  1. A-1    Interior Pigment (1967-68 merely)
    I-grapheme code that is likewise used on the 1967 Norwood Cowl Tag, and is described in detail in the Interior Colors department.
  2. A-5 to A-6    Exterior Paint (1967-68 only)
    Two-character lawmaking that is too used on the Cowl Tag, and is described in detail in the Exterior Colors section. The outset character describes the lower body color and the 2nd character describes the upper body color. For 1967-68 the upper body color was ever the same equally the lower trunk unless a vinyl superlative was installed or the motorcar was a convertible.
  3. A-15 to A-27    Vehicle ID Number
    The thirteen-character code that is the same as is used on the vehicle VIN plate.
  4. A-29    Carburetor Code
    One-character code that describes the source for the carburetor.
                B = Bay Urban center (1 bbl/ii bbl)      C = Carter (second source for Rochester)      R = Rochester (2bbl/4bbl Quadra-Jet)      H = Holley (4bbl)          
  5. B-ane to B-7    Engine Associates/Application Lawmaking
    Vii-character lawmaking that begins with the engine manufacturing plant code letter and is followed by the assembly date equally a 2-digit month and a 2-digit day of calendar month, so ends in a 2-letter application code. This unabridged code is the same code stamped on the front end of the engine block.
  6. B-15 to B-21    Rear Axle Associates Code
    7-character code that begins with the 2-letter axle factory application code, is followed past the assembly date as a 2-digit month and a 2-digit twenty-four hours of month, and ends in a 1-letter mill code. This entire lawmaking is the same code stamped on the axle, except for the absence on the Pop of any shift suffix or positraction lawmaking. Note that when faced with an axle of uncertain vintage, the year of manufacture must be derived from the axle eye department calendar yr casting date.
  7. B-29    Vehicle Build Month
    One-character code from the following table.
                Aug Sep October November Dec Jan February Mar Apr May Jun Jul       1967  Five   L   R   Chiliad   Z   S   P   W   Due north   Y   T   X       1968  8   9   O   N   D   1   2   iii   iv   5   6   vii       1969  8   9   O   N   D   ane   2   three   4   5   6   7  late 1969  8   9   O   North          
  8. C-1 to C-5    Transmission Associates Code
    This 5-grapheme (typically) code begins with the manual mill code letter and is followed by the concluding digit of the model year (not the agenda yr) and the assembly engagement as a one-character month and a 2-digit mean solar day of month. This code is the aforementioned lawmaking stamped on the transmission (on the trans pad, flange, pan, and/or tag). The shift code is stamped on some manual models and frequently is included on the Pop. But the 69 Muncie model suffix was non stamped on the POP.
    The TH400 uses a different code format - see the tranmission decode page.
  9. C-xv to C-21    Popular Option Codes
    The offset digit of the POP pick codes starts immediately nether the first digit of the axle code. The digits are position-significant and interpretation also changes as a function of model year. Annotation that some 1968 codes were used for vehicles congenital late in the 1967 model year.

    In the tabular array below, the locations are noted as positions a through g. The pregnant of the RPO codes (such as J50 and J63) listed are available in the downloadable choice spreadsheet. Also, come across the further explanatory notes below the table.

  10. C-29    Chevrolet Symbol - vertically oriented
1967 Camaro POP Option Fields
                        Pop Position and Meaning  POP   POP               Year Value   a        b        c       d       due east     f      thou  ---- ----- ------  -------  -------  ------   ---  ------  ---  1967   i    N40    U35/U63*   U80     ---     C60   A31    ---         2    J50      ---      ---     F41     ---   ---    A67         3  N40/J50    ---      U63     J52     ---   ---    ---         4    ---      ---    U63/U80   ---     C48   B93    ---         5    ---      ---      U69   J52/F41   ---  A31/B93 ---         6    ---      ---    U69/U80   ---     ---   ---    ---         7    ---      ---      ---     ---     ---   ---    ---         8    ---      ---      ---     ---     ---   ---    ---         9    ---      ---      ---   J52/J56   ---   ---    ---  _______________________________________________________________   * aka Radio/Clock Group                      
1968 Camaro Popular Selection Fields
                        POP Position and Significant  POP   POP               Year Value   a        b        c       d       e     f      g  ---- ----- ------  -------  -------  ------   ---  ------  ---  1968   1    N40      B37#     U80     F40     C60   A31    ---         2    J50      ---      U79     F41     ---   ---    A67         iii  N40/J50    U35#     U63     J52     ---   ---    ---         four    ---    B37/U35# U63/U80  J52/F40  C48   N65    ---         5    ---      ---      U69    J52/F41  ---  A31/N65 ---         6    ---      ---    U69/U80    %      ---   ---    ---         7    ---      ---    U69/U79    %      ---   ---    ---         8    ---      ---      ---      %      ---   ---    ---         9    ---      ---      ---     ---     ---   ---    ---     _______________________________________________________________   # LOS use only, previously undocumented. It appears that but     B37 is indicated in this field, though B93 is often ordered    with B37.  % Documented as J56 Camaro codes Camaro in CDSIB 68-i-1,      just not applicable to Camaro. Come across comments below.                      
1969 Camaro Popular Option Fields
                Popular Position and Meaning  Pop   POP               Twelvemonth Value   a        b        c       d       eastward     f      m  ---- ----- ------  -------  -------  ------   ---  ------  ---   1969   1    N40      J50      ---     ---     C60   ---    ---         2    ---      ---      ---     ---     ---   ---    ---         3    ---      ---  (any radio) J52     C75   A31    ---         4    ---      ---      ---     ---     ---   ---    ---              

Once more, the choice field (i.eastward. iii 4511) under the axle lawmaking in the 68 POP example shown at the top of this section translates every bit follows:
The start option position at C-xv, the "3", indicates power steering (N40) and power brakes (J50). The second pick position at C-16 was unused in 1968. The third position at C-17 indicates AM radio (U63) with rear speaker (U80). The fourth position at C-eighteen indicates F41 suspension with disc brakes (J52). The 5th position at C-19 indicates air-conditioning (C60). And the option code in the sixth position at C-20 shows electric windows (A31).

The selection field in the 69 Pop example shown above indicates the machine had a radio (tertiary grapheme over nether the beam code).

Options were tracked more fully in 1967 and 1968 than in 1969. In 1967-68, codes were generally selected such that option combinations, in keeping with efficient reckoner coding practices of the twenty-four hours, could exist obtained by adding together the codes of each single choice. Several options and their permutations could be recorded with a unmarried digit. For example, in position d for 1968, J52=three and F41=2, and then the combination of J52/F41 was assigned the value of ii+three=five. From this practise nosotros can infer the existence of codes that do not actually announced in the Chevrolet Service News Bulletins. For instance, in before CRG inquiry, the 1967 lawmaking for B93 Door Edge Guards was inferred to be 4 in position f, since A31 was known to exist 1 and the A31/B93 combination was known to exist 5. The inferred value for B93 without A31 was later confirmed by other GM records, which too confirmed the previously inferred A67 lawmaking in field "g" for 1967.

  There are a few items of note about position d (Brake / Suspension) in the option field:

  • While the F40 heavy-duty suspension is non listed equally a 1968 Camaro RPO in the US, information technology was supposedly available to Canadians. While CRG has not all the same seen a 68 Camaro with this RPO (F40 was an available RPO in 1969), it is included in the Pop choice codes for completeness.
  • With regard to RPO J56, the "Heavy Duty Brake" choice, GM has noted this equally a 1968 POP code, despite J56 being a 1967-only option. We listing information technology in the above table as a 1967 lawmaking, since information technology is non applicative to 68 models.
  • For position d in 1968, CRG believes that values 6, 7, and 8 refer to the Corvette J56 4-bicycle disc (4WD) brake setup. This brake arrangement was available for the 68 Camaro simply equally an over-the-counter Service Package. The 4WD setup is referred to in the 68 Camaro Assembly Manual initially as J56 but is changed to JL8 circa Feb/Mar 68. The four-bike disc restriction system was never installed in a 68 Camaro by the factory, and we take never seen the half-dozen, vii, and 8 codes on a POP. These codes appear to take been included for 1968 either in preparation for a proposed option release that never occurred, or as office of a subterfuge for disarming racing authorities that the 4WD brakes were a factory pick and thus should exist homologated for SCCA racing use. The 68 4WD Service Package was modified and finally fabricated available in 1969 as a true manufacturing plant selection, RPO JL8.
1969 Warranty Protect-o-Plate
Warranty Protect-o-Plate

    Warranty and Canadian Protect-o-plates

Replacement POP's obtained when the warranty was tranferred to an new owner did non contain any drivetrain information. Warranty Popular'southward contain very limited data, mainly only the VIN, the new owner'due south name, and on the bottom line: the warranty menses (normally 5/50, 5 years/l,000 miles), the vehicle mileage (written in 100'due south, so add together two zeros), and the warranty starting time engagement.

Canadian-sold vehicles were provided with unique Canadian warranty booklets. 1967 Canadian vehicles accept a plastic protect-o-plate that is just stamped with minimal information like the VIN, the buyer's proper noun, and the zone and dealer'due south number.  

GM Date Code Formats

The internal GM convention for date-coding parts used two formats for the month. Both started with the letter "A" for January and progressed through the alphabet ("B" for February, "C" for March, etc.). The two formats differed in the usage of the letter "I".

For cast-in engagement codes on GM-produced iron and aluminum castings (engine blocks, heads, intakes, water pumps, etc.), the letter "I" was used for September, and the terminal month of the calendar yr (December) was the alphabetic character "L". For stamped-in date codes on GM-produced components (alternators, distributors, starters, etc.), the letter "I" was not used - "I" was skipped, and "J" became September, with December being "One thousand".

(See the Casting codes article for more information on casting dates and codes.)

To summarize: For GM-produced parts, the month code for calendar twelvemonth dates that are cast into parts runs from "A" through "Fifty" (including the letter "I"), while the month code for calendar year dates that are stamped onto parts runs from "A" through "M" (skipping the letter "I").

                  January February Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec                --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---  Cast Engagement     A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   Grand   Fifty  Stamped Date  A   B   C   D   E   F   M   H   J   K   L   M                

A common stamped date lawmaking format is (year)(calendar month)(mean solar day). 8C26 would decode as 8=1968, C=March, and 26=26th day.

A mutual cast appointment code format is (month)(twenty-four hours)(year). B129 would decode as B=February, 12=twelfth day, 9=1969.

"M"-Coded Blocks
In that location is one exception to this convention that has been observed: some blocks have been seen with "Thousand" cast codes. Research by the Saginaw Metal Casting Operations of GM Powertrain Segmentation has constitute that these "M" codes are non date codes, but really a foundry code used to indentify parts that were made to evaluate a casting procedure change. After evaluating the parts, the blocks would either be destroyed or released into production. At that place is no way to decide the date an "M"-coded block was poured.  

Sheetmetal Engagement Codes

Sheetmetal was stamped with a Fisher Trunk "run number" past the stamping found that produced the part. The run numbers were inserts in the draw die to identify the establish and the calendar week of product and also served as proof marks to verify full die travel to closure. Virtually every console on the body will have a run number. The showtime letter (occasionally 2 messages) of the run number identifies the stamping found and the number is the week (e.g. 40th week) of the calendar year when the panel was stamped.

Chevrolet-stamped parts (hoods, fenders, header panels, etc) only accept the product week stamped on them.

Julian Agenda Generator

GM dated some components using a Julian type of agenda, where the days are counted continuously, starting on Jan 1st. For case, February 1st would be twenty-four hours 32. The calculator below will generate the Julian agenda for the 1966 through 1969 agenda years.

Numbers Trivia

Some GM documentation indicates that the beginning-generation Camaro GM series designation, at some betoken, had a somewhat unlike meaning than what was finally executed on the VIN plate and cowl tag. This "original" meaning involved the 3rd digit of the VIN, and the choices were given as:
        3 or 4 for standard Camaro   5 or six for deluxe Camaro      
The actual forms, as executed on the VIN plate and cowl tag, were subvariants of this more complete version. On the VIN plate, three and four were used on the VIN to indicate the number of engine cylinders - with no indication of interior. In 1967, the starting time yr, Fisher Body used 4 and half-dozen on the cowl tag to denote standard or palatial interior. The original plan in its entirety was probably the following (though we have only incomplete documentation of this final version):
        3 = L6 standard   4 = V8 standard   5 = L6 deluxe   6 = V8 deluxe      
For whatever reason, this format was not followed in total in the U.S. But some of the strange assembled Camaros did utilise this format.


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