
Can U Put Matzo Balls in Plate Hot Soup on Shabbos

Сегодня мы потренируем исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке.

В этом уроке 12 упражнений с ответами на отработку исчисляемых и неисчисляемых существительных (Countable & Uncountable Nouns), слов any/some, much/many. Ответы ко всем упражнениям внизу страницы.

исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в английском

Let'southward become!

Упражнение i. Нажмите на исчисляемое существительное в каждой строке

Упражнение ii. Нажмите на неисчисляемое существительное в каждой строке

Упражнение three. Отметьте исчисляемые существительные

Упражнение 4. Отметьте неисчисляемые существительные

Упражнение 5. Напишите С, если существительное исчисляемое, и U, если оно неисчисляемое

Упражнение 6. Перетащите существительные, чтобы получились словосочетания

Упражнение vii. Напишите a/an, где необходимо

Изучать также:

  • Тест на выбор артикля a/an с ответами

Упражнение 8. Напишите в пропусках a/an или some

Изучать также:

  • Упражнения на Some/Any с ответами
  • Упражнения на артикли в английском с ответами

Упражнение 9. Выберите и нажмите на правильное слово

Упражнение 10. Напишите much или many

Упражнение xi. Заполните пропуски There is или there are

Изучать также:

  • Упражнения на There is / There are с ответами
  • Тест на In that location is In that location are в английском

Упражнение 12. Вставьте пропущенные слова


Упражнение ane.

  1. water, cup, juice, tea
  2. breadstuff, butter, plate, jam
  3. lemonade, bottle, soda, air
  4. potato, rice, soup, cereal
  5. meat, cheese, oil, burger
  6. shampoo, cream, toothpaste, toothbrush
  7. table salt, pepper, sugar, onion

Упражнение 2.

  1. tree, mountain, nature, animate being
  2. snow, wintertime, snowman, carrot
  3. apple, fridge, ice, lemon
  4. umbrella, kicking, rain, raincoat
  5. egg, lemonade, orangish, pizza
  6. hot dog, ketchup, sausage, sandwich
  7. banana, candy, apple tree, jam

Упражнение 3.

Exercise, plate, music, gas, hotel, car, rice, apparel, love, sand, flower, meat, apple, job

Упражнение four.

Music, political party, wine, breadstuff, cat, animal, idea, umbrella, coffee, toothpaste, soup, sofa, city, mirror, bag, honey

Упражнение 5.

book C

cheese U

watermelon C

tea U

shoe C

key C

money U

shop C

juice U

air U

Упражнение 6.

  1. A piece of cheese
  2. A canteen of milk
  3. A glass of water
  4. A loaf of bread
  5. A bar of chocolate
  6. A loving cup of coffee
  7. A bowl of soup
  8. A box of cereal

Упражнение 7.

  1. It'southward a table.
  2. It'due south salt.
  3. It'due south h2o.
  4. Information technology'due south a tomato.
  5. It'due south a book.
  6. It's juice.
  7. Information technology's honey.
  8. Information technology's a castor.
  9. It's a strawberry.

Упражнение viii.

  1. some rice
  2. an orange
  3. some spaghetti
  4. a sandwich
  5. some jam
  6. an egg
  7. a steak
  8. some water ice
  9. some cacao
  10. a tomato
  11. some mayonnaise

Упражнение nine.

  1. There are somecucumber / cucumbers in the fridge.
  2. We don't have whatsoever sugar / sugars at home.
  3. There's no oil / oils in the salad.
  4. In that location aren't any spoons / spoon on the tabular array.
  5. Do you have whatsoever sweets / sweet in your bag?
  6. There's a pineapples / pineapple in the fridge.
  7. At that place are many flowers / flower in the garden.
  8. Are there any potato / potatoes in the bag?
  9. Where is the jam / jams?
  10. Is there a pizza / pizzas on the menu?

Упражнение 10.

  1. How many tomatoes are there in the fridge?
  2. How many apples do you need?
  3. There isn't much table salt left at dwelling house.
  4. There are many eggs in the fridge.
  5. How much sugar is at that place in the cake?
  6. I don't drink much water.
  7. Do yous have many friends?
  8. How much free time practise you lot accept?
  9. At that place are many candies in the box.
  10. There isn't much butter on the plate.

Упражнение xi.

  1. There are some chairs in the room.
  2. There is some cereal in the bowl.
  3. In that location is a pencil and a pen on the table.
  4. There are some cherries in the refrigerator.
  5. There are many mushrooms in the forest.
  6. There is a watermelon and a pineapple on the table.
  7. In that location is a lot of bread in the store.
  8. There are some mangos in the kitchen.
  9. There is some beloved in the cup.
  10. There are some cakes on the plate.

Упражнение 12.

Me and my friend went shopping final Sunday because nosotros didn't accept whatever clothes for summer. There are many stores in our city and a big shopping mall. Nosotros spent much time in the shopping mall. After many hours shopping we finally bought some shoes, a hat, some shirts and many dresses. It's a pity there weren't any sunglasses that I liked. Anyway, we bought many nice pieces of clothing and we didn't spend much money at all, because everything was on sale.

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Тест на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные
  • Упражнения на множественное число


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